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The climate fresco
Abstract of the presentation: The Climate Fresco is an interactive method of popular education aimed at raising awareness about climate issues and promoting action. It addresses factors of climate change such as greenhouse gas emissions and their consequences like rising temperatures and extreme weather events. By explaining the interactions between different elements of the climate system and highlighting individual and collective solutions, it fosters citizen engagement and social mobilization for a transition towards a more sustainable future.

Date: Wednesday, April 17th, at 10:00 a.m., US Eastern Time.
Topic: Agriculture

Meeting ID: 854 2048 8371
Passcode: 317834

About Niavo Landihajaina Ratsimbazafy:
Agriculture and forestry Engineer-Senior auditor and certification officer from ECOCERT and Expert in Carbon footprint. I collaborate with worldwide companies, helping them to get Certification and develop their project.

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