It can be said that my experience at AIU was very useful in opening up horizons previously not explored by me. The links and motivations of the 17 United Nations Development Goals are part of this by integrating almost all of them into the everyday reality of all humanity.
It was also a pleasant experience because, unlike other times, I came back to university without leaving home. I saw those who teach me again without being in the country or in the same city as them. Under their guidance, I worked at my own pace which they implicitly approved. I quietly handled my homework, while my children did theirs. They were ultimately impressed by what Dad had achieved, so to speak, without fanfare or fanfare. Although I also knew that I had just opened a veritable Pandora’s box, as the possibilities for learning are endless in all branches. Hence a lesson in humility for all. Last but not least: my final evaluation (interview) by AIU. I was impressed by the universal vision of my evaluators on a local problem that I considered to be the only privileged witness (compared to them I mean).They showed me that they knew many others.