Doctorado en Antropologí­a (PhD)

Escuela de Estudios Sociales y Humanos

Escuela de Estudios Sociales y Humanos

Atlantic International University

The Doctorate in Anthropology (PhD) program helps the student to provide quality information, integrating teaching, research and experience, and transfer knowledge and assistance to the public and private sectors, to improve the social, economic and cultural conditions of the community. . Your AIU Distance Learning Doctorate in Anthropology program will be a custom-made program, designed just for you by you and your advisor. This flexibility to meet your needs is rarely found in other distance learning programs. Our program does not require that each student study the same subjects and use the same books and study materials as other students. Instead, our Online Doctoral Programs are designed just for you.

Important: You can find below an example of the topics or areas of study that you can develop and work on during your study program. This does not mean in any way that said example implies being a complete list that you are obliged to carry out at AIU, but rather that it be used by you as it is, an example or guide at your service. We remind you that AIU does not require its students to follow a standardized study plan. Do you want to learn more about curriculum design at AIU? (Courses and Study Plans)

Topics and Areas of Study in Anthropology:

Anthropology of the Body and Pain
Research Methods in Anthropology
Body and Health
The Imperfect Body
Identity Body and Market
The Ethnography of the Body as an Application

Population and Society in Current Mexico
Cultural Ecology
Social Organization
Anthropology and the Concept of Culture
Methodological Holism and Individualism
Social Movements

Research Courses in Anthropology:

MBM900 Dissertation Project
MBM902 Doctoral Proposal Doctoral
Dissertation (15,000 words)
Publication: Each graduate of the Doctor of Anthropology must publish their Doctoral dissertation online in the public domain or through professional journals and journals.

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Entendemos que los adultos que trabajan no tienen tiempo de regresar a la escuela. Ahora es posible obtener un título desde la comodidad de su hogar y todavía tener tiempo para usted y su familia. La oficina de admisiones está para ayudarlo, para obtener información adicional o para saber si es candidato para incorporarse a nuestros programas, por favor contáctenos. Si ya está listo para inscribirse, por favor mande su solicitud en línea y adjunte su currículum vitae y cualquier duda o comentario que tenga.

Pioneer Plaza
900 Fort Street Mall 905
Honolulu, HI 96813

800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)
808-947-2488 (Fax)

¡Póngase en contacto con nosotros hoy!

Entendemos cómo los adultos ocupados no tienen tiempo para volver a la escuela. Ahora, es posible obtener su título en la comodidad de su hogar y aún tener tiempo para usted y su familia. La oficina de admisiones está aquí para ayudarlo, para obtener información adicional o para ver si califica para la admisión, contáctenos. Si está listo para postularse, envíe su Solicitud en línea y pegue su currículum y cualquier comentario/pregunta adicional en el área proporcionada.

Pioneer Plaza
900 Fort Street Mall 905
Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)
808-947-2488 (Fax)

Let us know your goals and aspirations so we can chart a path at AIU to achieve them!
Admissions Counselor
Veronica Amuz
Admissions Counselor
Ariadna Romero
Admissions Counselor
Juan Mejia
Admissions Counselor
Rene Cordon
Admissions Counselor
Sandra Garcia-Fierro