I recently received an email from one of my coworkers wishing me a happy mothers’ day; I recall wishing my mother a happy mothers’ day the previous month; this got me thinking about how many times in a year we celebrate women’s and mothers’ days. Most of the time, I don’t remember the dates until I see a post or a message. As a mother, I frequently receive such wishes.

What about fathers? Come to think of it, is it possible to have mothers without fathers? How often are fathers honored? Growing up, I was a daddy’s girl, even though my father is now late. Perhaps that is the source of this train of thought.

I’ve heard of Father’s Day, and my children keep track of both and always wish their father a happy Father’s Day, but I’ve noticed that I get more wishes in a year than my husband.

“Mother’s Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family or individual, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May.”– Wikipedia


“Father’s Day is a holiday of honoring fatherhood and paternal bonds, as well as the influence of fathers in society. In Catholic countries of Europe, it has been celebrated on March 19 as Saint Joseph’s Day since the Middle Ages. In the United States, Father’s Day was founded by Sonora Smart Dodd, and celebrated on the third Sunday of June for the first time in 1910. The day is held on various dates across the world, and different regions maintain their own traditions of honoring fatherhood.”- Wikipedia


Mother’s Day facts include the following:

      Mother’s Day was declared a national holiday in the United States in 1914.

      Mother’s Day is not usually celebrated on the same date every year; the dates vary depending on the year and the country.

      The origins of Mother’s Day can be traced back to the Ancient Greek celebration of Rhea, the goddess of fertility, motherhood, and generation.

      Anna Jarvis of Philadelphia invented Mother’s Day. She held a memorial service at her late mother’s church in Grafton, West Virginia, on May 12, 1907.

      Mother’s Day is the third most profitable holiday for card and flower sales.

      On Mother’s Day, telephone lines are busier than on any other day, as more calls are placed.

      Due to the celebrations, restaurant owners are busier on Mother’s Day than on any other day.

      Woodrow Wilson established Mother’s Day in 1914.

      Mother’s Day celebrations have higher spending than other celebrations.

      On Mother’s Day, red carnations represent that the mother is alive, whereas white carnations represent that the mother is late.

      The ancient celebration of Mother’s Day is still observed in some countries. For example, the Indian people celebrate the Durga-puja Festival to honor their mother goddess Durga; it is a ten-day event held between September and October.

      Mother’s Day is not only for mothers; grandmothers, sisters, mother-in-law, and others are also included in the celebration.


The following are some Father’s Day facts:


      In the US Father’s day was only nationally recognized in 1972.

      Father’s Day was only declared a national holiday in the United States in 1972.

      Father’s Day is not usually celebrated on the same date every year; the dates vary depending on the year and country.

      The first Father’s Day service is said to have taken place on July 9th, 1908, in Fairmont, West Virginia, following the deaths of hundreds of men in a mining accident in the United States.

      Sonora Louise Smart Dodd founded Father’s Day when she was 16 years old and her mother died, leaving her father to care for her and her five brothers alone. She saw the need for Father’s Day to be celebrated in the same way that Mother’s Day was.

      Father’s Day is the fifth most popular holiday for sending greeting cards.

      Roses are the official flower for Father’s Day celebrations. Red roses represent a living Father, while white roses represent a deceased Father.

      In Germany, Männertag (Men’s Day) is the celebration of Father’s Day, and it is done by gathering the men and getting drunk on beer and food to the point where police and other medical services are called in.

      It is not necessary to spend a lot of money on Father’s Day gifts. According to research, the most popular Father’s Day gift is a tie.

      In Thailand, Father’s Day is celebrated on the King’s birthday.


The debate over whether Father’s Day and Mother’s Day should be celebrated equally is analogous to the debate over the Egg and the Chicken. This is because both parents are important and should be recognized on a daily basis. If such an argument arises and I am asked for my opinion, I will suggest that we make it a PARENT DAY because there is no mother without a father and no father without a mother; it takes two.





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Author : Amiakhor Beatrice Ejaeta
Degree :
Major : Accounting
Country : Nigeria
Language : English

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