Music is vocal or instrumental sound (or both) blended in such a way as to achieve beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion, according to the Oxford dictionary.

Music expresses feeling and thought, without language; it was below and before speech, and it is above and beyond all words.”- Robert G. Ingersoll

Music is an explosive expression of humanity. It is something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we’re from, everyone loves music.” – American musician, Billy Joel

Indeed, music transcends language, is older than culture and tradition, and has an impact on everyone in different ways at different times. There is music for every occasion, from celebration to mourning, to play at the Church, the Mosque, the school, the office, and the clubs, the hospital, and just about everywhere! Music is liked by anyone, from newborn babies to the elderly. It could be Jazz, Reggae, Rock, Pop, Blues, country music, classical, soul music, gospel music, traditional music, or any other genre of music.

The humming of a mother to her wailing infant is music to the baby’s ears, and it has the potential to calm the baby. That is how powerful music is.

Music is as old as humanity, and each culture has its own explanation for how music came to be. From the instruments used to the sounds, rhythm, and melody, music is simply beautiful!

Music connects to our emotions and has an impact on both our brains and bodies, making it extremely powerful!

Several studies have been conducted to determine how music can enhance our mental health. According to one study, listening to music boosts the amount of dopamine produced in the brain, which is a mood-enhancing chemical, making music a feasible depression treatment.

The following are some other health effects that make music so powerful:

  • Helps recovery from brain injuries and seizures – a study of patients with stroke revealed that those who listened to music recovered faster and had better verbal and memory attention. This study was conducted at the University of Helsinki in Finland. It was also revealed that epileptic patients who listen to music more frequently have fewer seizures. This is due to the fact that stress is a primary cause of seizures in epileptic patients, and music relieves stress.
  • Music has been shown to stimulate the release of opioids in the brain, which can aid with pain and anxiety. Opioids are the body’s natural pain reliever.
  • Music can help you relax — Are you stressed out? Get a hold of your favorite songs, listen to them, and experience the effect. This is great for both kids and adults. When music or a song is played for a crying baby who is unable to communicate his or her feelings, the baby will become calm.
  • Assists learning—the nursery rhyme is a wonderful example for kindergarten students. The majority of children prefer to learn through songs and music. The same is applicable for adults; learning through music is simpler to retain. Listening and singing is usually the most effective method of learning.
  • Improved Exercise Activities – Have you ever visited a gym? Without music, there can be no workout. Try completing some exercises without music and then compare it to a scenario where music is performed; you’ll notice a significant difference. Slow music and musical pauses, according to researchers, are linked to a lower heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure, while faster music is linked to higher levels of these parameters.
  • Memory – Have you ever heard a song that instantly transports you to a specific moment, event, or period in your life? Perhaps the song was performed at your wedding reception, at your child’s dedication, at your grandfather’s funeral, and so on. Some music has been utilized for many occasions in various cultures, including burial songs, religious songs, etcetera. Some songs are even referred to as “Oldies” because they were popular in the 1970s.
  • Music has a significant impact on society and society changes which promotes a sense of unity. The national anthem is a great example; no country in the world does not have one. Another example is the school anthem. There are also songs dedicated to births, deaths, and anniversaries.

There are countless additional health benefits to music that are not mentioned in this article. Music is truly magical! It’s no surprise that there has been a lot of talk about incorporating music therapy into the health care system. More research is being conducted to justify the need for music therapy in the health sector.

In what other ways has music helped you, and do you agree with the idea of incorporating music therapy into our healthcare system?

“Music can lift us out of depression or move us to tears – it is a remedy, a tonic, orange juice for the ear. But for many of my neurological patients, music is even more – it can provide access, even when no medication can, to movement, to speech, to life. For them, music is not a luxury, but a necessity.”

Oliver Sacks, best-selling author and professor of neurology at NYU School Of Medicine


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