The Role of Social Media in Shaping Public Opinion

The Role of Social Media in Shaping Public Opinion

  1. How do you think social media influences your opinions on current events and trends?
  2. Can you recall a time when a social media post changed your perspective on an important issue?
  3. In what ways do you think social media can be used to create positive social change?

After reading the assignment, share your impressions and leave us your opinion on how Social media is changing the way we communicate.

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The Role of Social Media in Shaping Public Opinion


In today’s interconnected world, social media platforms have transcended their primary social media function to become influential forums for public discourse and opinion formation. This article explores both the beneficial and detrimental roles that social media can play in society, urging our community to participate in a responsible and thoughtful manner to contribute positively to the common good, without forgetting to briefly highlight its history and some historical facts where it has been the use of networks is key.

Chronology of Social Networks, since when are they among us?

The history of social media is fascinating and has evolved rapidly since its inception. Here is a brief explanation of its development:

  1. Early Beginnings (1970s-1990s)

Bulletin Board Systems (BBS): In the 1970s, BBS allowed users to connect their computers through telephone lines to share files, messages, and other content.

Usenet (1980): Created in 1980, Usenet allowed users to post messages in newsgroups, laying the foundation for discussion forums.

  1. Birth of Social Networks (1990s)

Six Degrees (1997): Considered the first modern social network, Six Degrees allowed users to create profiles and friend lists. However, it shut down in 2001.

  1. Growth and Popularization (2000s)

Friendster (2002): One of the first social networks to gain massive popularity, Friendster allowed users to connect with friends and discover new contacts.

LinkedIn (2003): Launched in 2003, LinkedIn focused on professional connections, allowing users to create profiles and networks for work purposes.

MySpace (2003): Founded in 2003, MySpace quickly became the most popular social network, especially among musicians and artists.

Facebook (2004): Started by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, Facebook began as an exclusive network for college students before opening to the general public and becoming the dominant platform.

YouTube (2005): Launched in 2005, YouTube allowed users to upload and share videos, changing the way we consume multimedia content.

Twitter (2006): Founded in 2006, Twitter introduced the concept of microblogging, allowing users to post short messages called “tweets.”

  1. Diversification and Dominance (2010s)

Instagram (2010): Launched in 2010, Instagram focused on photography and short videos, quickly gaining popularity and being acquired by Facebook in 2012.

Snapchat (2011): Founded in 2011, Snapchat stood out for its ephemeral messages and creative filters.

WhatsApp (2009): Although launched in 2009, WhatsApp gained prominence in the 2010s as a global instant messaging app, being acquired by Facebook in 2014.

  1. New Trends and Consolidation (2020s)

TikTok (2016): Launched internationally in 2016, TikTok became one of the most popular platforms, especially among young people, focusing on short and creative videos.

Clubhouse (2020): Launched in 2020, Clubhouse quickly gained popularity with its real-time audio chat format, though its initial popularity waned over time.

Social media has transformed the way people communicate, share information, and connect with the world, constantly evolving to adapt to new technologies and user preferences.

The Power of Social Media: A Double-Edged Sword

Social media’s reach and accessibility allow it to serve as a powerful tool for good. It democratizes information dissemination, enabling individuals to share knowledge, mobilize for causes, and maintain social connections across global distances. For instance, movements like MeToo and BlackLivesMatter have demonstrated social media’s capacity to elevate voices and issues that traditional media outlets might overlook or underrepresent.


The Impact of Social Networks in recent history

Networks, used well, have managed to be an important part of the history in which we live. Here we share some historical facts in which social networks have been decisive in solving public or social problems:

  1. Arab Spring (2010-2011)

Problem: Authoritarian governments and lack of freedoms.

Solution: Social media, especially Facebook and Twitter, were used to organize protests, share information, and coordinate actions. This allowed citizens in several Arab countries, such as Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya, to challenge their governments and, in some cases, overthrow them. The dissemination of images and videos of the demonstrations also attracted international attention and generated pressure on authoritarian governments.

2. #MeToo Movement (2017)

Problem: Sexual harassment and assault in various sectors, especially in the workplace.

Solution: The hashtag MeToo on Twitter allowed millions of people, primarily women, to share their experiences of harassment and sexual assault. This mobilization on social media increased public awareness and led to significant changes in the policies of companies and institutions. It also resulted in the downfall of several powerful individuals accused of inappropriate behavior.

  1. Flint, Michigan Water Crisis (2014)

Problem: Contamination of the drinking water supply with lead.

Solution: Activists and residents used social media, especially Twitter, to attract national attention to the water crisis in Flint. The use of hashtags like FlintWaterCrisis enabled citizens to spread information about the situation, mobilize support, and pressure authorities to take action. The resulting pressure led to federal government intervention and efforts to replace the contaminated water pipes.

  1. Hong Kong Protests (2019-2020)

Problem: Extradition bill and demands for greater autonomy.

Solution: Social media platforms, including Telegram and Twitter, played a crucial role in organizing mass protests and disseminating information among demonstrators. The ability to coordinate in real-time and share tactics and locations allowed protesters to evade security forces and maintain pressure on the Hong Kong government.

  1. Hurricane Harvey (2017)

Problem: Devastation and need for rescues and humanitarian aid.

Solution: During Hurricane Harvey, social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook were used to coordinate rescues and distribute crucial information. Citizens and emergency teams used these platforms to request help, coordinate rescues, and share real-time updates on the most affected areas. This rapid dissemination of information was essential in saving lives and organizing relief efforts.

However, the influence of social media is not universally positive. The platform’s very strengths—speed and reach—can also serve as conduits for misinformation, polarized debates, and the manipulation of public opinion. The Cambridge Analytica scandal highlighted how data from millions of Facebook users was harvested and used to manipulate electoral outcomes. Such incidents underscore the potential for social media to impact democracy and public trust negatively.

Ethical Considerations and Misinformation

One of the greatest challenges in today’s digital age is the spread of misinformation. AIU advocates for a critical approach to content consumption. Students are encouraged to question sources, cross-check facts, and engage in discussions that foster a clearer understanding of the issues at hand. Developing a curriculum that adapts to each student, AIU promotes digital literacy as part of its commitment to personal and professional development.

In response to growing concerns about misinformation, platforms like Twitter and Facebook have introduced measures to label and remove false information, especially concerning COVID-19 and political matters. These actions represent steps toward responsible management of content; however, the debate about censorship versus freedom of speech continues to evolve.

Social Media for Social Good

AIU emphasizes the role of social media in supporting personal growth and contributing to societal well-being. Through collaborative projects and community initiatives, students are encouraged to use social media to promote positive change. For example, campaigns to increase awareness about mental health, environmental sustainability, and social justice can benefit significantly from well-crafted social media strategies.

Furthermore, AIU students learn to leverage these platforms to build professional networks and share academic achievements and research initiatives. This not only enhances their personal brand but also contributes to the university’s legacy of fostering leaders who are equipped to address complex global challenges.


Encouraging a Constructive Dialogue

Constructive dialogue is essential for the healthy exchange of ideas on social media. AIU promotes an educational environment where students are taught to engage respectfully and informatively. This approach is crucial in a landscape often characterized by anonymous and sometimes hostile interactions.

For AIU community members, the goal is not merely to participate in social media dialogues but to elevate them. This means advocating for accuracy, openness, and empathy. By doing so, AIU students and alumni become pivotal in shaping informed, inclusive, and respectful public discourse.

The Future of Social Media and Public Opinion

Looking forward, the role of social media in shaping public opinion is poised to grow even more significant. AIU is committed to preparing students to navigate this landscape effectively, emphasizing the ethical use of technology and the importance of critical thinking skills.

In conclusion, social media holds tremendous potential to influence public opinion for better or worse. At Atlantic International University, we strive to harness this potential by educating a community of thoughtful, informed, and responsible digital citizens. Our approach to experiential learning not only prepares students for personal success but also empowers them to contribute meaningfully to the world, leaving a lasting legacy of positive impact.

If this article sparks your interest in Social Media and Communications, we invite you to learn about the AIU programs related to this topic in Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees.

Additionally, AIU offers a wide range of live recorded classes covering various topics. If a topic piques your interest, you can explore related live classes. Additionally, our extensive online library houses a wealth of knowledge, comprising thousands of e-books, thus serving as a valuable supplementary resource.

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