Atlantic International University has a working collaboration with Cambridge International Consulting- CIC.

October 21, 2021

Atlantic International University has a working collaboration with Cambridge International Consulting- CIC. CIC will offer a Seminar on Persuasion and Negotiation together with Harvard Faculty Club from December 6 to 10- 2021.

This program has been designed by CIVC specifically for entrepreneurs- executives and public leaders in Latin America and the world and has the following outstanding exhibitors

Gary Orren of the J. F. Kennedy School of Harvard University
James Sebenius from the school of Business- from Harvard University.
– Michael Wheeler also from the school of Business at Harvard University.
Sara Del Nido Budish– Instructor of the Clinical Negotiation and Mediation Program at Harvard University.
Dan Shapiro– Director of the International Negotiation Program at Harvard University.
Gustavo Velásquez– President of Cambridge International Consulting.

CIC offers a special price for AIU students and- upon completion of this program- the AIU student will be able to earn academic credits that will be transferred to their current program at AIU.

For any information- consult CIC directly at the following email:

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