Graduate student from AIU has created a device to treat Tendonitis.

March 5, 2010

Atlantic International University congratulates our outstanding José Manuel Sánchez in his most recent success of the treatment in Tendonitis.

After many years of research in the field of tendon regeneration and pathophysiology of soft tissue- José has created a new revolutionary method for treating tendonitis- chronic tendonitis- ligament and muscle fibrosis- a device known as Electrolisis Percutánea Intratisular (E.P.I.).

To have a direct contact over the injury with this device produces lysis or destruction of degraded and fibrotic tissue in real time- increasing the regeneration and promoting proper inflammatory response- facilitating the recovery process in less time and with greater assurance of good results.

José Manuel Sánchez has completed a Doctorate program in Health Science at AIU.

We are very proud of José and wish him the best of luck with his latest and future inventions.

Atlantic International University

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