Publication by AIU graduate in the International Journal of Human Resource Studies

Publication by AIU graduate in the International Journal of Human Resource Studies

February 25, 2020


AIU wishes to congratulate our graduate- for one of his most recent achievements. Our graduate- Hassan Elsan Mansaray- published an article in the International Journal of Human Resource Studies. You can find an abstract of his published article- “Factors That Would Argue in Favour and Against the Introduction of HRM in the Public Sector: A Retrospective Study” below:



This study critically discusses the argument for and against the establishment of HRM in the public sector and the challenges faced in terms of staff motivation- cultural change of tenure of office of public servants and downsizing of staff. The study found that the development was slanted by a variety of reasons- comprising amplified competitive pressures triggered by deregulation and globalization- and the inspiration of distinguished scholars in the US and the UK. The aim is to provide chances for a new type of analysis call the new industrial relations. Which is alternative means of individualizing industrial relations – management will now focus more attention on individual employees than collectively. The introduction of HRM in the public sector was as a desire for governments to provide increase quality public services. In this vein- the need for efficient public sector organizations emerged. Moreover- reactions all over the world have centered on pinpointing the main business of government was to exposed the public sector to rivalry; and subcontracting aspect of service provision and support functions. The failure of old-fashioned controls had created customer/user choice. It was on these communities’ expectations that governments are becoming facilitator instead of straight provider of public services. However- the costs of accepting HRM practices and values were contended to have intended to expurgate employees’ benefits and wages. Also brought changes on the culture and structure in the public service accompanied by cutting back staff. 


You can read his published article on the following link:



Hassan Elsan Mansaray has completed a Doctorate program in International Management at Atlantic International University.

We wish you the best on all your future projects and we congratulate you for all of your achievements!


Atlantic International University

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