Mudenge Diogene

Mudenge Diogene

Mudenge Diogene
November 14, 2013

MyAIU Study Experience LetterThis letter reflects mystudy experience during the two and half years spent in the AIU TelecommunicationsDoctorate Program. The first thought which comes into my mind is to confidentlyaffirm and confirm that the AIU’s vision: “The empowerment of the individual throughself-learning to achieve the convergence evolution of the World, through aholistic and tenable design based on andragogy and omniology” is indeedwhat has made AIU one of few leading distance learning educational institutionswhich make a real impacton the current World’s development. First and foremost, I wouldsay that it is not the degree that makes a great person, rather it is the personthat makes the degree great. A person’s reputation depends much on his or herprofessional career and achievements. It also depends on a good education theindividual has acquired, such as firmly oriented universitylike AIU.Companies all over the World are adopting more employment criteriathatis driven by the candidate’s know-how, capacity and ability to solveproblems, and other practical skills, and lesson theuniversity degreesthat people hold.As a firm believer in “ahealthy body needs a healthy brain” (or the other way around), I have decided,a long time ago to adhere to “Life Long Learning”. It was certainly not for thesake of a career, or the search of an additional title. What triggered my willand determination was the quest to contribute to this wonderful World we livein. After finishing two master’sdegrees, I wanted a Doctorate program that was: (a) affordable, which includes‘not requiringobsolete residencyperiods’; (b) online, so I could do my research via the Internet; (c) flexibleenough to allow me to write a dissertation that could/would be published andthus read. Only AIU met every one of my requirements. I wrote my thesis sitting athome. I didn’t have to fly around the planet to sit in laboratories. I dideverything through books and theinternet where all the sources/references I neededwere found.I have fallen in love withAIU since registering for my Doctorate program for three reasons. Firstly, AIUis highly helpful to students with limited financial capacity. It is not out ofplace to state that AIU tuition fees in respect of their various programs areaffordable and reasonable. Secondly, AIU programs are flexible and customized.Over the years, I have been searching for a University, where I could study fora Doctorate degree and at the same time keep my current job. AIU has offered methis opportunity. Thirdly, AIU assessment criteria takes into consideration theexperience as well as the various writings and publications of its students.This is a highly commendable and constructive step. I will forever remaingrateful to the authority of AIU for creating alternative opportunities forthose who cannot easily leave their current full time jobs for the purpose ofstudies.Since I was looking forflexibility, value for money, high quality organization and professionalism, Ifound all these attributes in the AIU offered degrees. The possibility topursue a doctorate program, where I could read, study and write at my own pace,and balance my time between full-time work, study and my personal life, therebypracticing time management and self-discipline was paramount to my careerprogression. I have learned so much, andthe flexibility of time allowed me to delve into my areas of interest. It isnice that as a student, one has time to reflect on the information in thetextbooks available. The program was so flexible—with flexible time to finishan assignment, that I was able to enjoy the “herculean” tasks of seriouslydelving into the subject matter that I am interested in learning. I was able toaccomplish my research goals because of the flexibility of time that offers methe time to also use other quality textbooks, and other recent, leadingscientific information. Due to AIU’s flexibility and progressive learningstyle, I was able to surpass obstacles and increase my quality of learning inan efficient, productive manner that appeals to my lifestyle. I am stilllearning so incredibly much.The AIU learning educationsystem is what one makes out of it, and I find it quite advanced in that onecan modify it to one’s personal learning goals and time constraints. Now, as Iam being congratulated, I realized that I can easily incorporate importantconcepts such as Telecom Business models to my environment. And, this is becauseof the flexibility of time that allows one to really study. I am just learningmore and more, and in a very productive way. I am very satisfied that Imade great developmentin career building, and benefited from my CurriculumDesign developed courses. I have to say that if I did not join AIU; mydreams would still remain dreams and I would not see the light.As a whole, my studyingexperience at AIU was a pleasant one. AIU has definitely more than satisfied myexpectations. In the beginning of the program, I asked if AIU would help me todecide the title of my doctorate thesis. AIU showed me through their “Andragogyand omniology” methods that the reading and studying from the books’ experiencewill definitely suggest me the best thesis topic. Indeed, so it has been. Themore I immersed myself in my studies, the clearer did it become what the thesiswould be.My experience with AIU wasindeed very rewarding. Working with my advisors was great throughout myassignments. They constituted an inspiration to my spirit and encouragement tocomplete one of my life’s goals set when I had first entered the university twoand half years ago. Keeping my job’s responsibilities and having succeeded frommy studies and hard work, I have grown in confidence and mental abilities. Mymind was not confined to traditional classes and limited experiences. From theuse of the Internet our time has come to expand our minds into far reacheswhere there is no limit. Like an old Chinese proverb: “Seek not to find answersbut seek to understand the questions”, AIU provided me the ability toaccomplish this as ongoing in my quest for knowledge.Coming again to myexperience with AIU, I would simply say that the set up offered by theuniversity helped me to reflect on my experience through studies. After havingworked in the Telecom Industry for quite a long time, I started thinking abouta Doctorate program which will reflect my experience baggage. Fortunately, Ifound AIU, which took my experience background into account. I started theDoctorate program in May 2011 with a comprehensive “Curriculum Design”framework which laid the basis for my further work. After an intensive andinteresting ‘learning phase”, during which I was constantly reading many booksand scientific papers, I started to work on my thesis concerning “A CostEfficient African Network”. Thanks to the useful help of my advisors, Ifinished the work in due time and proudly received congratulations. I am veryproud for having successfully finished the AIU Doctorate program. Even moreimportant is the fact that the education I got through AIU helped me to changeand develop my professional career in a way I always wanted. I would indeed confirm thatI had a great time studying with AIU. They stood by their words in every aspectof the program. Every e-mail andevery call has been handled swiftly andprofessionally. I am very satisfied with the services and education received.My experience with AIU is great and its echoes will go on and on in my life as aTelecom/ICT Profession. I feel very proud to be one of AIU’s Elite Alumni.Now that I have completedthe Telecom Doctorate Program, I have gained much more confidence in myself andI feel that I am ready for all kind of challenges in Telecom Industry. AIU is agreat opportunity for many people still fighting to work and study. It is notonly the Certificate that I will soon receive but I have learned a lot and I am learning many thanksto myselfdue to the habit of reading that I gained through the program. Now that Ibelieve that we all have the capacity to achieve things that seems to be harderto get, through the help of AIU, I would recommend everyone to enroll at AIUprograms. It is the best. Well done to AIU on the steady progress that the universityis making. It is indeed a great honor to be included among AIU’s Alumni.AIU is earning morecredibility and playing an important role to provide a wonderful opportunity toadults across the globe, in particular, to the countries that have no accessand less chances to proceed with their education than in Developed Worlds such asEurope, US and other parts of the World. We are enormously happy seeing usundergone and finished our education in such a prestigious university seekingto serve as the knowledge-based world’s leader.Surely and undoubtedly,this AIU Telecommunications’ Doctorate is an added value. It added to merespect by colleagues, as my views are now articulated better and moreconvincing. I am therefore hoping that other doors of opportunities will beopened to me and only the sky will be the limit. Reality is what we take to betrue. What we take to be true is what we believe. What we believe is based uponour perceptions. What we perceive depends upon what we look for. What we lookfor depends upon what we think. What we think depends upon what we perceive.What we perceive determines what we believe. What we believe determines what wetake to be true. What we take to be true is our reality. This is a realpackage I am taking back from AIU family.Many colleagues ask me whereI got my doctorate and how long it took, as well as the costs. I told them thatI chose AIU because I was planning to open my own business. Therefore, I wantedto acquire knowledge more than just acquiring a doctorate certificate. I was very muchinterested in doing research in Telecom Industry Development. AIU’s program wasperfect for what I wanted to do. I just wanted to thank AIU for giving me thechance to be part of their organization. Studying in AIU has been a delightfrom the start till the end.My Colleagues, Friends,Family and I have experienced total transformation in me, in the way and mannerI critically analyze issues in general and in particular my Telecom/ICTProfession. The step I took is a journey less travelled by many but I haverealized that, like many other people, I have huge potentials untapped awaitingto blossom like a Rose Flower. AIU has enabled me realize my life time dream ofgetting a relevant Doctorate Degree and then become a role model to others whohave ahumble background like me. In spite of past challenges, the futureremains spotless equally for all. I am now in a position to sow seeds ofsuccess onto others and make my contribution in human life using theappropriate skills, knowledge and education befitting the current dynamicWorld, earned through the AIU Distance Learning Program.My efforts and ambition insearch for new knowledge has been adequately answered and this has opened a newhorizon in my career and life, and I can now work competently anywhere in theWorld and make a well valued contribution in human endeavors. However, aboveall, I thank almighty GOD for the good health and the wisdom to choose AIUbecause of its flexibility and rich Curriculum Design Method which rides on thestrength of simplicity. For this, I am very happy and proud that I am agraduate of AIU. I willalways usethe useful and professional informationthat AIU provided to me. Thanks to the entire AIU Support Team.Now that I have written myDoctorate Thesis, I would like to take this opportunity to thank AIU for allthat it has given me during my years of study. I am reflecting on what I amwriting in this letter and believe that it is not the words and sentences inthe books that I have studied that have created the interest in me to study butrather it is the way that AIU has influenced me to look for the deepertruth in the books which I read. That part of my studies is now officiallybehind me but my studies will always be a part of me. For this I am grateful to theAIU vision!Let me thank the entire AIUTeam for always being dedicated and willing to help in all imaginable forms andaspects. Flexible tuition, a tailored program through the Curriculum DesignConcept, and most generous time frames – these are only few of the mostoutstanding aspects readily offered by AIU. I do warmly recommend AIU toeveryone willing to and ready for a new learning experience, extremelyefficient and offside the traditional paths. I take also this opportunity tothank my Advisors and Tutors for their professional and timely correspondenceand excellent support throughout my program. During the last two and halfyears, I really enjoyed the AIU innovative method of studying. The AIU University has beenso flexible, co-operative and supportive that I enjoyed the learningexperience. I am already giving my word of mouth to a lot of people here inRwanda about my great experience with AIU, and of course I would be honored togive my testimony, as an aged adult who, with the help of AIU, was able to makeit. Again I am thanking you for your human and friendly touch with thestudents, who though are far away in distance, you always make us feel asclose as can be. My very best regards and appreciation to the entire AIU Team.This letter aimed to talkabout my AIU Study Experience. So, to me, doing what I did with AIU was thebiggest accomplishment in my life. I am pleased to be part of AIU’s richeducational experience. AIU plays a very important role in Global Education andhas changed the lives of many people around the World. If you direct people to theAIU Website, they see what AIU offers and they are usually wondering aboutthe student’s self-discipline, self-starter, self-actualizing etc. This is themost key secret of AIU’s success.Finally, I would say thatAIU has been very responsive to all questions that I had. I am very happy towrite this testimony statement. I once again thank AIU. The AIU Distancelearning Program is a fantastic adventure rich of pleasure and knowledge that Iinvite everyone seeking knowledge and self-discipline experience. Neverhesitate to refer my recommendation to any person who wants to attend AIUprograms. I wish more success to AIU and God bless you..

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